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    Vestiti spray!


    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
    Età : 40
    città : Wien
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da london.84 Gio Set 30 2010, 12:06

    The inventor says it will revolutionise fashion... but would YOU dare to wear spray-on clothes?

    By Laura Stott

    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B60098F000005DC-392_306x670

    Fashion of the future? Writer Laura Stott road-tests spray-on fabric

    As a size ten with an hourglass shape, I'm a big fan of figure-hugging fashion.

    I know a healthy dose of Spandex flatters my curves, so leggings are a daily uniform and my current favourite outfit (for flat tummy evenings anyway) is a Herve Leger-style High-Street frock, which once shoehorned on resembles a bright pink bandage wrapped tightly around my body.

    Friends refer to it as my 'spray-on dress', and up until now I always thought its Body-Con fabric with a high elastane percentage was the ultimate in tight-fit clothing.

    Well, that was until I encountered Fabrican - a liquid fabric which enables outfits to be sprayed on from an aerosol, directly on to the body.

    Clothes out of a can may sound like some sort of science-fiction fantasy, but some serious scientific muscle went into developing the idea.

    The inventors Dr Manel Torres and Professor Paul Luckham, from Imperial College London, have spent ten years developing the product - and they're convinced it could change the way we get dressed forever.

    Dr Torres first had the idea for a spray on fabric while studying for an MA in fashion womenswear at the Royal College of Art. After switching look-books for the chemistry lab, he teamed up with particle technologist Professor Luckham to research and develop the idea.
    Their efforts have led to technological advances in fabric that they believe could be a fashion-defining moment akin to the invention of Lycra in 1959.

    It will not be in production for a while yet but, when it is, a can of spray is likely to cost around £10 - less than the average price of a top on the High Street.
    This week, I got a sneak preview. As changing room experiences go, stripping down to my smalls in a science lab and being forced to don a pair of fetching safety goggles is a new one on me.

    Not only is it freezing, there isn't even a mirror in sight. You can wear underwear as normal under the clothes, which means I get to keep on my stickon, strapless bra as the aerosol is fired up, then with a loud hiss the spraying begins.

    As the liquid fabric hits my skin, my first thought is that it's really cold - it feels like someone is running ice cubes over my skin. Luckily, I soon start to acclimatise and, aside from the lack of temperature control, the sensation is very similar to having a spray tan.

    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B6027E0000005DC-924_634x462

    Feeling cool: Laura braves the chilly spray which feels a little like having fake tan applied

    It is slightly ticklish but not uncomfortable, and it certainly doesn't hurt. The spray itself is a mix of short organic cotton fibres, polymers - which bind them together without the need for weaving or stitching - and solvents which keep it in liquid form.


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    The texture of the fabric can be varied by using wool, linen or acrylic fibres and styles altered by method of applying the spray.
    Having been cynical up until this point about how convincing the top is going to be, I'm astonished to see the spray has dried instantly and transformed into fabric upon touching my skin. Although Dr Torres had explained this would happen, I still had visions of body paint and looking like a human statue. In fact, it looks just like a normal top.

    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B6007CC000005DC-254_634x576

    Revolutionary: The spray is a mix of short organic fibres which bind together. Dr Torres shows Laura how the spray can even be applied in different colours

    The fabric does feel very fine, and raising my arms so my sleeves can be sprayed on I'm worried it will tear, but again it stretches just like a normal garment. As Dr Torres layers on different colours over a white base, the fabric grows thicker and stronger, still - and while I'm not necessarily convinced on the colour scheme he's chosen for me, I am impressed with the results.
    It's seamless, comfortable and there's no sign of any irritation on my super-sensitive skin. In under 15 minutes, it's all over and I'm wearing my very own bespoke, made-to-measure top.

    The process was quick, painless and, although I've also got a smattering of strands of fabric up my nose, in my ears and hair and on my jeans - a hiccup Dr Torres reassures me will be ironed out in final development - it's easily dealt with and simply brushes off.
    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B60138B000005DC-489_306x542
    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B6015ED000005DC-930_306x542

    Made-to-measure: Laura demonstrates how the top peels away from her skin like a normal T-shirt

    In the future, he hopes it will change how we all think about buying and wearing clothes. As well as designing outfits at home, he envisions spray booths in High Street stores where we can stop by for a new, unique outfit before hitting the town.

    The eco-credentials are sound, too. The spray fabric outfits can be taken off, washed, and reworn like any other. And, if you get bored with your creation, it can be dissolved and the material used again to make something new.

    While it's one thing modelling my new spray-on look in the safety of the lab, I'm still not sure how I'll be received once I venture outside. The fabric feels so gossamer-like and lightweight that I can't help worrying it's going to rip - not an ideal scenario when walking round central London.
    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B600AA5000005DC-300_306x751
    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B600E4E000005DC-510_306x751

    Strong stuff: Laura's spray-on tee withstands the weight of her heavy bag, and holds together under her coat

    Fortunately, my fears prove unfounded. Taking to the streets I feel just like I'm wearing my normal clothes and, apparently, it looks that way too, as no one bats an eyelid.

    (Although Dr Torres does later admit that I'm the first person to ever carry a handbag while wearing a spray-on outfit, and he's relieved to see the top withstood it - I'm not surprised, if it can survive the enormous satchel I carry around every day, it can survive anything.)

    Back at the lab, the top peels off like a normal T-shirt. It's hard to think of a more practical and simple way to achieve unique looks and a perfect fit with such low effort - but while I love the concept, I'm still not convinced it'll be a winner for everyone.
    Vestiti spray! Article-1316371-0B3257B0000005DC-868_634x448

    Unique: In a video demonstrating his invention, Dr Torres sprays a blue and white T-shirt on to a model

    I can't see the canned couture being popular with those with body confidence issues.

    But it would perfect for pregnant women to accommodate growing bumps. If, after the final tweaks have been made, it ends up on the High Street, I'll definitely give spray on clothes another go.

    But whether it' s set to revolutionise the future of fashion forever, or will simply be a passing trend, only time will tell. In the meantime, when I get dressed in the morning, I'll be sticking to my trusty leggings.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1316371/Spray-clothes-revolutionise-fashion.html#ixzz110QWnutj

    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 26075
    città : Modena
    umore : secondo il tempo
    Data d'iscrizione : 26.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da -francis- Gio Set 30 2010, 12:10

    Che schifo!

    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
    Età : 40
    città : Wien
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da london.84 Gio Set 30 2010, 15:30

    Tra 100 anni Franca i tuoi nipoti si vestiranno così!

    Bilancia Numero di messaggi : 3633
    Età : 41
    città : L'Aia, Paesi Bassi
    umore : ballerino
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da Shiny82 Ven Ott 01 2010, 01:15

    Beh, un reggiseno poteva anche metterselo eh!!!

    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
    Età : 40
    città : Wien
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da london.84 Ven Ott 01 2010, 18:25

    Vero o spray??? ah ah

    Toro Numero di messaggi : 2048
    Età : 37
    città : Bari
    Data d'iscrizione : 17.06.08

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da cucciolasdb Ven Ott 01 2010, 19:52

    a così si vedrebbero tutti i rotoli senza poterli nascondereeeeeeeee

    Bilancia Numero di messaggi : 3633
    Età : 41
    città : L'Aia, Paesi Bassi
    umore : ballerino
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

    Messaggio Da Shiny82 Sab Ott 02 2010, 15:54

    london.84 ha scritto:Vero o spray??? ah ah

    Vero! Sono anche abbastanza flosce!

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    GMT + 4 Hours Re: Vestiti spray!

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      La data/ora di oggi è Dom Lug 07 2024, 13:12