
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight Logo14
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Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight Logo14
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» Puntata dell'8 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyDom Ago 21 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Mi sono messa in pari
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyDom Ago 07 2016, 12:01 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 5 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Ago 05 2016, 12:21 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 4 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Ago 04 2016, 10:46 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 3 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Ago 03 2016, 11:33 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 2 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Ago 02 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 1 Agosto 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Ago 01 2016, 12:17 Da Annalisa

» Intervista audio a Michele D'Anca (a cura di Aldo Oliva)
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 29 2016, 15:31 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 29 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 29 2016, 12:21 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 28 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 28 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 27 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 27 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 26 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 26 2016, 12:12 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 25 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Lug 25 2016, 13:14 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 22 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 22 2016, 11:29 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 21 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 21 2016, 11:39 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 20 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 20 2016, 11:44 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 19 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 19 2016, 11:15 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 18 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Lug 18 2016, 11:54 Da Annalisa

» Non mi piace Laura
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Lug 16 2016, 20:54 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 14 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 14 2016, 10:40 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 13 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 13 2016, 12:06 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 12 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 12 2016, 11:30 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'11 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Lug 11 2016, 10:41 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 7 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 12:05 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'8 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 12:03 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 6 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 11:21 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 5 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 05 2016, 12:57 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 4 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Lug 04 2016, 11:34 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 1 Luglio 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 01 2016, 12:07 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 30 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 30 2016, 20:35 Da -francis-

» Perchèèèèèèèè
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 30 2016, 12:01 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 29 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Giu 29 2016, 13:52 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 28 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Giu 28 2016, 12:16 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 27 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Giu 27 2016, 23:11 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 24 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Giu 24 2016, 12:00 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 23 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 23 2016, 18:16 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 22 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 23 2016, 12:26 Da Annalisa

» Ciaoooooo
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Giu 21 2016, 15:25 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 21 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Giu 21 2016, 11:49 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 20 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Giu 20 2016, 18:39 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 17 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Giu 20 2016, 18:38 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 16 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 16 2016, 13:19 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 15 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Giu 15 2016, 12:04 Da Annalisa

» Carletto non c'è più
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Giu 15 2016, 12:02 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 13 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Giu 14 2016, 17:39 Da perla

» Puntata del 14 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Giu 14 2016, 12:54 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 10 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Giu 10 2016, 19:01 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 9 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Giu 09 2016, 14:06 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'8 Giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Giu 08 2016, 14:02 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 7 giugno 2016
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Giu 08 2016, 10:55 Da -francis-

» Centovetrine torna davvero!
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» In estate le puntate di Centovetrine inedite?
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» Il Commissario Montalbano
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» Le puntate inedite di Centovetrine in onda in Albania su Top Channel. Canale 335 sul satellite
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Mar 07 2016, 11:00 Da perla

Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Dic 24 2015, 12:40 Da Annalisa

» Roberto Alpi a "Un posto al sole"
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Dic 16 2015, 12:42 Da -francis-

» Incredibile!
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Dic 16 2015, 10:40 Da perla

» Le conseguenze dell'inganno (Elizabeth George)
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Nov 23 2015, 11:50 Da -francis-

» La gattina bianca
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Nov 19 2015, 12:34 Da perla

» Andiamo a bere la pioggia (Raffaele Mangano)
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Ott 26 2015, 16:30 Da -francis-

» Ho sognato
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Ott 07 2015, 19:12 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 21 settembre - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Set 22 2015, 18:50 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 18 settembre - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyDom Set 20 2015, 13:38 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 17 settembre - giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Set 18 2015, 11:33 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 16 settembre - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Set 17 2015, 17:40 Da -francis-

» Ho ereditato una canarina
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Set 17 2015, 12:10 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 15 settembre - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Set 16 2015, 15:30 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 14 settembre - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Set 15 2015, 19:41 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 11 settembre - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Set 14 2015, 16:44 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntate 9 e 10 settembre - mercoledì e giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyLun Set 14 2015, 16:36 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 8 settembre - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Set 10 2015, 11:08 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 7 settembre - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Set 08 2015, 21:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 4 settembre - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Set 05 2015, 17:24 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 3 settembre - giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Set 04 2015, 15:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 2 settembre - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Set 03 2015, 14:02 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 1 settembre - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Set 02 2015, 13:35 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 28 agosto - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Ago 29 2015, 11:23 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 27 agosto - giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Ago 28 2015, 18:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 26 agosto - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Ago 27 2015, 16:36 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 25 agosto - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Ago 26 2015, 12:22 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 agosto - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Ago 25 2015, 17:43 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 27 luglio - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 28 2015, 10:28 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 luglio - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Lug 25 2015, 12:14 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 luglio - giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 24 2015, 11:36 Da -francis-

» Franca
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 23 2015, 12:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 22 luglio - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 23 2015, 12:38 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 21 luglio - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 22 2015, 13:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 20 luglio - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 21 2015, 16:31 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 17 luglio - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Lug 18 2015, 11:04 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 16 luglio- giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 17 2015, 17:02 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 15 luglio - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 16 2015, 10:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 14 luglio - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 15 2015, 17:45 Da -francis-

» Le mie tortorine
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 14 2015, 17:07 Da perla

» Upas - puntata 13 luglio - lunedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMar Lug 14 2015, 09:51 Da -francis-

» Addio a Beautiful
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Lug 11 2015, 16:15 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 10 luglio - venerdì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptySab Lug 11 2015, 11:17 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 9 luglio - giovedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyVen Lug 10 2015, 11:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 8 luglio - mercoledì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyGio Lug 09 2015, 17:15 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 7 luglio - martedì
Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight EmptyMer Lug 08 2015, 11:54 Da -francis-

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    Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight


    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
    Età : 40
    città : Wien
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight

    Messaggio Da london.84 Gio Dic 02 2010, 20:49

    More TSA misery as wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 3:09 PM on 2nd December 2010

    • Comments (85)
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    A 52-year-old wheelchair-bound woman was hand searched for over an hour at the Oklahoma City airport even though she was already stripped to her bra and underwear.

    The lengthy ordeal caused the blonde passenger to miss her flight.
    Disabled Tammy Banovac arrived at the airport for a flight to Phoenix on Tuesdsay morning clad only in a trench coat, which she removed for security, over her black undergarments.
    Scroll down for video

    Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight Article-1334937-0C50A1B5000005DC-477_468x286

    Banovac chose to wear her underwear because of a nasty experience two weeks ago at airport security. She is typically hand-searched at airports because she uses a metal wheelchair

    The event was captured on video by a fellow passenger.
    Knowing her wheelchair would set off the metal detector, Banovac hoped to avoid an aggressive pat-down with her barely-there ensemble, accessorized with her white dog and a pearl necklace.
    She told a local paper that an uncomfortable airport search two weeks ago left her feeling violated and she had hoped to avoid a repeat situation.
    'If it happened anywhere else, it would have been sexual assault,' she told The Oklahoman of the previous search.
    An airport spokeswoman told a CBS affiliate that she had to be subjected to the pat-down because she refused to go through the metal detector at all.
    Wheelchair- bound woman in lingerie gets hour-long search and misses flight Article-1334937-0C50A20C000005DC-566_468x497

    Banovac, 52, brought clothes with her to put on after she and her pet pooch cleared security

    Unfortunately for Banovac, security officers then detected traces of nitrates, which can be used to make explosives, on her wheelchair. She believes the traces may have been caused by some medication or a recent hunting trip.

    She then endured more than an hour of hand searches and questioning from officers, causing her to miss her flight.
    She went home and repeated the security process and pat-down on Wednesday, again in just her underwear.
    As no explosives were detected, she was able to make the plane to Phoenix.
    Ms Banovac's ordeal is the latest in a string of highly-publicized passenger encounters with TSA as the busy holidays approach.
    One woman reported she was humiliated after a body scanner showed her sanitary liner and led to a very personal underwear search by an officer.
    In Phoenix, a woman was held in a glass cage and says she was tormented by officers for an hour when she refused to put breast milk through the x-ray machine. Breast milk is supposedly exempt from x-ray by official TSA regulations.

    And it seems no one is spared the TSA's policies.

    Actor Mark Ruffalo revealed he is on a terror watch list for his support of an anti-drilling documentary and now gets extra TSA pat-downs every time he goes to an airport.
    And this week in Los Angeles the Black Peas singer Fergie was put through the so-called naked body scanner before a flight out to ensure she wasn't a threat to fellow passengers.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1334937/Tammy-Banovac-wheelchair-bound-woman-wearing-lingerie-gets-hour-long-airport-search.html#ixzz16zAgxAjF

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      La data/ora di oggi è Lun Mag 20 2024, 23:36