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    » Upas - puntata 15 luglio - mercoledì
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    » Upas - puntata 14 luglio - martedì
    Tenero! EmptyMer Lug 15 2015, 17:45 Da -francis-

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    » Upas - puntata 13 luglio - lunedì
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    » Upas - puntata 9 luglio - giovedì
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    » Upas - puntata 8 luglio - mercoledì
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    » Upas - puntata 7 luglio - martedì
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      Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
      Età : 40
      città : Wien
      Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

      GMT + 4 Hours Tenero!

      Messaggio Da london.84 Gio Dic 23 2010, 22:49

      Scrubbed up for Christmas: Spike, the orphaned hedgehog gets a festive make-over

      By Daily Mail Reporter
      Last updated at 2:16 PM on 23rd December 2010

      This is a baby hedgehog receiving a good old fashioned rub-a-dub after he was found wandering in a garden, unable to roll into a ball.

      Named Spike, the tiny creature has to be scrubbed clean with a toothbrush because of his delicate skin.

      Tenero! Article-1341069-0C91454D000005DC-678_634x814

      Bath time: Spike, an eight-week-old hedgehog has a wash at the Secret World Wildlife Rescue Centre

      Rescue staff have been treating the youngster to a frothy bath for three weeks after the distressed hedgehog was discovered during daylight.
      He was unable to curl up in a defensive ball and concerned locals took him to a vet in Somerset.
      He was then transferred to the Secret World Wildlife Rescue Centre, in Highbridge.

      Care manager Sarah Cowen, 44, said: 'He was having problems rolling into a ball because the skin on his belly was so sore.
      Tenero! Article-1341069-0C914423000005DC-862_634x541

      Rub-a-dub: Staff have been treating Spike to a bath for three weeks after he was found wandering in a garden

      'It's not uncommon for hedgehogs to get skin problems. Just like humans they can get rashes and eczema.

      'We decided to treat him to a bath.'
      Brushing his tummy with a toothbrush and behind the ears, staff have nursed him back to health.

      They will carefully monitor his skin and his ability to curl into a ball to see how he improves.
      Tenero! Article-1341069-0C914458000005DC-913_634x765

      Safe at last: Hedgehogs wandering in daylight are often distressed and Spike was unable to curl up

      Secret World Wildlife Rescue is the only 24/7 wildlife rescue centre in the South West, annually caring for over 4000 sick, injured and orphaned animals. www.secretworld.org
      The operation relies solely on donations to help its very small staff team and 623 volunteers rescue and rehabilitate sick or injured animals and return them to the wild in Britain.
      Tenero! Article-1341069-0C9142AD000005DC-849_634x663

      Poser: Spike with care manager Sarah Cowen, 44. She said: 'He was having problems rolling into a ball because the skin on his belly was so sore.'

      Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1341069/Scrubbed-Christmas-Spike-orphaned-hedgehog-gets-festive-make-over.html#ixzz18yRibWfl

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        La data/ora di oggi è Dom Lug 07 2024, 13:07