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» Puntata dell'8 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyDom Ago 21 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Mi sono messa in pari
Sex education for children EmptyDom Ago 07 2016, 12:01 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 5 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Ago 05 2016, 12:21 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 4 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Ago 04 2016, 10:46 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 3 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Ago 03 2016, 11:33 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 2 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Ago 02 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 1 Agosto 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Ago 01 2016, 12:17 Da Annalisa

» Intervista audio a Michele D'Anca (a cura di Aldo Oliva)
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 29 2016, 15:31 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 29 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 29 2016, 12:21 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 28 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 28 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 27 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 27 2016, 11:47 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 26 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 26 2016, 12:12 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 25 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Lug 25 2016, 13:14 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 22 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 22 2016, 11:29 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 21 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 21 2016, 11:39 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 20 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 20 2016, 11:44 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 19 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 19 2016, 11:15 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 18 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Lug 18 2016, 11:54 Da Annalisa

» Non mi piace Laura
Sex education for children EmptySab Lug 16 2016, 20:54 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 14 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 14 2016, 10:40 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 13 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 13 2016, 12:06 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 12 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 12 2016, 11:30 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'11 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Lug 11 2016, 10:41 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 7 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 12:05 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'8 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 12:03 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 6 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 08 2016, 11:21 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 5 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 05 2016, 12:57 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 4 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Lug 04 2016, 11:34 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 1 Luglio 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 01 2016, 12:07 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 30 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 30 2016, 20:35 Da -francis-

» Perchèèèèèèèè
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 30 2016, 12:01 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 29 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Giu 29 2016, 13:52 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 28 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Giu 28 2016, 12:16 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 27 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Giu 27 2016, 23:11 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 24 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Giu 24 2016, 12:00 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 23 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 23 2016, 18:16 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 22 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 23 2016, 12:26 Da Annalisa

» Ciaoooooo
Sex education for children EmptyMar Giu 21 2016, 15:25 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 21 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Giu 21 2016, 11:49 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 20 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Giu 20 2016, 18:39 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 17 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyLun Giu 20 2016, 18:38 Da -francis-

» Puntata del 16 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 16 2016, 13:19 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 15 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Giu 15 2016, 12:04 Da Annalisa

» Carletto non c'è più
Sex education for children EmptyMer Giu 15 2016, 12:02 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 13 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Giu 14 2016, 17:39 Da perla

» Puntata del 14 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMar Giu 14 2016, 12:54 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 10 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyVen Giu 10 2016, 19:01 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 9 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyGio Giu 09 2016, 14:06 Da Annalisa

» Puntata dell'8 Giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Giu 08 2016, 14:02 Da Annalisa

» Puntata del 7 giugno 2016
Sex education for children EmptyMer Giu 08 2016, 10:55 Da -francis-

» Centovetrine torna davvero!
Sex education for children EmptyMer Mag 25 2016, 12:20 Da -francis-

» In estate le puntate di Centovetrine inedite?
Sex education for children EmptyGio Apr 28 2016, 11:39 Da -francis-

» Il Commissario Montalbano
Sex education for children EmptyMar Mar 15 2016, 12:42 Da -francis-

» Le puntate inedite di Centovetrine in onda in Albania su Top Channel. Canale 335 sul satellite
Sex education for children EmptyLun Mar 07 2016, 11:00 Da perla

Sex education for children EmptyGio Dic 24 2015, 12:40 Da Annalisa

» Roberto Alpi a "Un posto al sole"
Sex education for children EmptyMer Dic 16 2015, 12:42 Da -francis-

» Incredibile!
Sex education for children EmptyMer Dic 16 2015, 10:40 Da perla

» Le conseguenze dell'inganno (Elizabeth George)
Sex education for children EmptyLun Nov 23 2015, 11:50 Da -francis-

» La gattina bianca
Sex education for children EmptyGio Nov 19 2015, 12:34 Da perla

» Andiamo a bere la pioggia (Raffaele Mangano)
Sex education for children EmptyLun Ott 26 2015, 16:30 Da -francis-

» Ho sognato
Sex education for children EmptyMer Ott 07 2015, 19:12 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 21 settembre - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Set 22 2015, 18:50 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 18 settembre - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptyDom Set 20 2015, 13:38 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 17 settembre - giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Set 18 2015, 11:33 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 16 settembre - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Set 17 2015, 17:40 Da -francis-

» Ho ereditato una canarina
Sex education for children EmptyGio Set 17 2015, 12:10 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 15 settembre - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Set 16 2015, 15:30 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 14 settembre - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Set 15 2015, 19:41 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 11 settembre - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptyLun Set 14 2015, 16:44 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntate 9 e 10 settembre - mercoledì e giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyLun Set 14 2015, 16:36 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 8 settembre - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Set 10 2015, 11:08 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 7 settembre - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Set 08 2015, 21:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 4 settembre - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptySab Set 05 2015, 17:24 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 3 settembre - giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Set 04 2015, 15:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 2 settembre - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Set 03 2015, 14:02 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 1 settembre - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Set 02 2015, 13:35 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 28 agosto - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptySab Ago 29 2015, 11:23 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 27 agosto - giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Ago 28 2015, 18:16 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 26 agosto - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Ago 27 2015, 16:36 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 25 agosto - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Ago 26 2015, 12:22 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 agosto - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Ago 25 2015, 17:43 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 27 luglio - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 28 2015, 10:28 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 luglio - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptySab Lug 25 2015, 12:14 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 24 luglio - giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 24 2015, 11:36 Da -francis-

» Franca
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 23 2015, 12:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 22 luglio - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 23 2015, 12:38 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 21 luglio - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 22 2015, 13:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 20 luglio - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 21 2015, 16:31 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 17 luglio - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptySab Lug 18 2015, 11:04 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 16 luglio- giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 17 2015, 17:02 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 15 luglio - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 16 2015, 10:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 14 luglio - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 15 2015, 17:45 Da -francis-

» Le mie tortorine
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 14 2015, 17:07 Da perla

» Upas - puntata 13 luglio - lunedì
Sex education for children EmptyMar Lug 14 2015, 09:51 Da -francis-

» Addio a Beautiful
Sex education for children EmptySab Lug 11 2015, 16:15 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 10 luglio - venerdì
Sex education for children EmptySab Lug 11 2015, 11:17 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 9 luglio - giovedì
Sex education for children EmptyVen Lug 10 2015, 11:39 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 8 luglio - mercoledì
Sex education for children EmptyGio Lug 09 2015, 17:15 Da -francis-

» Upas - puntata 7 luglio - martedì
Sex education for children EmptyMer Lug 08 2015, 11:54 Da -francis-

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    Sex education for children


    Acquario Numero di messaggi : 11508
    Età : 40
    città : Wien
    Data d'iscrizione : 25.06.07

    GMT + 4 Hours Sex education for children

    Messaggio Da london.84 Mer Mar 09 2011, 12:41

    Is this what you want YOUR five-year-old learning about sex? Explicit materials cleared for schools

    Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.

    A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.

    The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.

    Sex education for children Article-1364360-0D8834AE000005DC-237_638x610

    Among the books singled out in the report is How Did I Begin? by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom which has a cartoon image of a couple in bed in an intimate embrace.

    It is accompanied by an explanation – using frank and adult terminology – of the act of intercourse.

    Another, called The Primary School Sex And Relationships Education Pack by HIT UK, includes material to allow children aged five to 11 to learn about different sexual positions and prostitution.

    The BBC has been highlighted for an educational video featuring full frontal nudity, while its learning resources department, BBC Active, shows computer-generated images of male genitalia.

    All the material has been recommended by councils for use at ages ‘seven-plus’.

    The dossier, compiled by the Christian Institute, also pinpoints a book called Let’s Talk About Sex, by Robie H Harris, which includes a chapter on heterosexuality called ‘Straight and Gay’.
    Furious family campaigners have described the material as ‘too much, too young’ and warn it will encourage sexualisation.

    Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, said: ‘The current approach to sex education demands ever more explicit sex education at ever younger ages.
    Sex education for children Article-1364360-0D89B58D000005DC-815_306x394
    Sex education for children Article-1364360-0D89B72A000005DC-521_306x394

    Controversial: A worrying dossier exposes a range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons. Books singled out include Let’s Talk About Sex, which includes a chapter on heterosexuality called ‘Straight and Gay’ - and How Did I Begin?, which has a cartoon image of a couple in bed in an intimate embrace

    ‘Parents don’t want their children to be exposed to material which sexualises them and most would be deeply upset if these materials were used with their primary-aged child.

    ‘If public bodies believe these resources are suitable for young children, there is clearly a problem with their judgment and more control needs to be given to parents.’
    The Christian Institute identified 16 councils which have recommended explicit books and videos to schools.

    These include Derby City, Devon County, Gloucestershire County, Swindon County, Worcestershire County, Hampshire County, Birmingham City and Brighton and Hove, many of which have links to the material on their websites.
    At present, primary and secondary schools have to teach pupils ‘age-appropriate’ science lessons about the biology of sex.

    Schools must also have a sex education policy, although the subject is compulsory only in secondary education. However, the Coalition is reviewing sex education.

    Before the election, the Liberal Democrats said they ‘unreservedly’ supported mandatory sex education in primary schools.

    But in its report, the Christian Institute warns ministers that compulsory sex education would lead to the proliferation of explicit material.

    It states: ‘If sex education is made compulsory for primary schools, the publications highlighted in this report are the kind of materials that will be used with children as young as five.’

    Last night, Swindon Council was unapologetic about its recommendation of the material.

    It confirmed it recommended Let’s Talk About Where Babies Come From and Let’s Talk About Sex, both by Robie H Harris, and a Channel 4 DVD called All About Us Living And Growing.

    A spokesman said the material was recommended ‘to schools and governors as part of a much wider range of resource options for teaching sex and relationship education. It is up to individual schools and their governors whether they feel any of the resources are appropriate’.

    It said it did not have information on whether any of the resources were being used in class.
    Sex education for children Article-1364360-05B228E9000005DC-349_308x309

    Too much too young? 'Most parents would be deeply upset if these materials were used with their primary-aged child' says the Christian Institute

    In How Did I Begin?, which was highlighted in the Christian Institute report, the image of a couple in bed is accompanied by the explanation: ‘As they cuddled, your dad’s penis moved gently inside your mum’s vagina and the sperms flowed out.’

    The pack produced by HIT UK, meanwhile, encourages primary aged children to learn about ‘anal intercourse’, ‘oral sex’ and ‘prostitution’.

    Labour had planned to amend legislation to introduce sex education topics into the National Curriculum for primary schools, which would have led to schools teaching pupils about contraception and civil partnerships from age seven.

    The Department for Education said: ‘By law, schools must make sure that sex and relationship education (SRE) classes are appropriate to pupils’ ages and maturity. It’s down to teachers themselves to use their professional judgment in deciding this.

    ‘Parents retain the right to pull their children out of any SRE class, outside statutory science, if they are unhappy with teaching.’

    Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said the use of explicit teaching tools was ‘deeply concerning’ and eroded ‘traditional moral standards’.

    He said: ‘It is vital that schools remain accountable to parents at the local level and, in line with the law, ensure that children are protected from inappropriate teaching and materials, having regard for their age and religious and cultural background.

    'Too many local authorities are taking their lead from the Sex Education Forum – a body that includes organisations that encourage sexual experimentation and aim to break down traditional moral standards.

    ‘Introducing sex education at an early age runs the risk of breaking down children’s natural sense of reserve. Far from being a hindrance, children’s natural inhibitions and sense of modesty in talking about sexual matters are healthy and provide a necessary safeguard against both sexual abuse and casual attitudes towards sexual intimacy later on.’

    BBC Active said: ‘We would stress that we leave it up to individual schools and parents to decide what material is appropriate.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364360/Sex-education-Do-want-5-year-old-child-given-explicit-lessons.html#ixzz1G6MqApP4

      La data/ora di oggi è Dom Lug 07 2024, 12:47